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by on August 24, 2021


Where do you live? (what state or country)

Sheridan, Indiana

When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport?

I started in November of 2014. My husband Digger had been trying for years to get me to join him. I finally just made the decision to do it, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made!

Who was your mentor, either known to them or not?

There are so many cowboys and cowgirls that have been so important to during this journey, there are too many to mention. One who sticks out as having a direct impact on what I’m still doing is Missellaneous. I shot with her at the first black powder shoot I ever attended, she made such an impression that I haven’t shot smokeless since.

How much do you practice, how many rounds a month do you send down range?

My practice typically consists of monthly matches. We are lucky. Where we live, we have a 2-2 1/2 hour drive to ranges that allow us to shoot every weekend if we are able.

Have you won any state, regional, national or world championships?

I’ve won some state matches as well as regionals. I haven’t been to Nationals yet, but that may change with the new location and time of year in 2022...fingers crossed.

Tell us about your most memorable match:

I would have to say EOT 2017. It was our first time there. I was SO nervous! I had not been shooting well at all in the months and weeks leading up to it, but when I got there, something changed. I wasn’t breaking any speed records or anything, but I ended up 5th of 10 in my category, and shot clean! Also, the one thing that really affected me and my approach to this sport was being awarded Spirit of the Game. I don’t think there is any better award to be had.

What is your favorite aspect of CAS?

You’ve heard it a million times, without a doubt, the people! I always tell friends not in the sport, that our cowboy family is made up of some of the best, most interesting people around.

Is there a story behind your alias, and what is that story?

Well, I wanted something with “Mo” in it and all the obvious choices were taken. Digger and I were in Wyoming at a rodeo. There was a big sign that it was being put on by The MoBetta Rodeo company, and the rest is history...

Do you have a travel/shootin buddy? (you know that friend that makes this game what it is)

Digger for sure. I’m so happy that as a couple, we enjoy this so much! We spend more time together, and enjoy each other’s company. Also Jesse Jane JJ and I went to the Ladies Shoot in Missouri a couple of years ago. Since then, we pick a new shoot to go to without our cowboys and have some cowgirl fun.

Where is your favorite place to shoot? (range or match past or present)

I really enjoy everywhere we shoot, because the people make the shooting fun.

Have you tried other categories? What categories have you shot and how did that go?

I’ve shot Ladies Frontier Cartridge pretty much from the get-go. Going to possibly change it up a bit in the near future, we’ll see.

What is you posse job of choice?

I would say spotting. I’m very detailed oriented so I try my best to pay close attention when the shooters are on the line.

What is the time of your fastest clean stage?

17 and some change...only once!

What was the best advice you got from a fellow shooter, and who was it?

Gosh, that’s a tough one. I’ve received so much great advice from so many shooters...I would say though, I was told to try not to take things so seriously and have fun. Sometimes that’s really hard to do, but I try.

What advice can you give to some of the shooters reading this?

I would say listen to all the advice you receive, and take what works for you moving forward. What works for some shooters, doesn’t work for all shooters. Find what makes you comfortable, and run with it.

What keeps you playing this game?

The fact that I’m having fun while doing it. I told Digger a long time ago, that when I’m not having fun anymore, I’m out.

What is your favorite thing to do when you are not on the range or shooting?

Well, I love camping with friends and traveling. I also enjoy hopping on the mower with my headphones on and just relaxing.

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Another good spotlight!
August 24, 2021
Camo Cowboy
Good one and thanks.
August 24, 2021
Thanks MoBetta for sharing.
August 24, 2021
Coal Car Kid
She is one awesome Cowgirl1f60e.png
August 24, 2021