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by on March 18, 2019

I didn’t make a blog in February, some of the reason is I was sick and the other was I didn’t shoot well enough to comment. This month however was different. Madame Moog and I drove out to The Ides Of March on Friday the 15th to help with anything that we were needed for. I ran some side matches Madame shopped. Dinner that night with cowboy friends was nice as usual.


Saturday morning and it was time to get it done. We loaded up headed out to the range; Shelleen was our posse marshal and did a good job keeping us moving. Moog’s first stage of the Ides 2019 was, well, let’s say less than stellar. I had my loading block with 10 rifle bullets but some how only 9 made it into my rifle. There’s 1 miss because I didn’t reload. The time was good but the miss raised it to 25. At least it wasn’t as bad as another shooter that had a loading ammo situation but still. (I’m looking at you Cheyenne Culpepper)


I didn’t let my brain cramp bother me that much and recovered and had a decent match for me. The one that bothered me was on a 6 shotgun stage and I just plain missed making that stage 31 seconds. In this group that will knock you out of the top 10 for sure.

The rest of the stages were fun and the time decent.


Day 2, the stages we fun and fast. Even though the topic for a couple stages was barrel between the rails or not, sorry Shelleen but it didn’t seem to bother you that much just everyone else. (Posse 1 shooters know what im talking about) I know you are waiting for me to get to the train wreck stage. Well, I’m glad to disappoint. It didn’t happen. For the first time since my first Ides I finished in the top 20. I was 20th ! That has been my goal since I started going to this match. Sheelleen was 7th over all congrats! Madame Moog was second Lady Wrangler.


Greta Dee, Smart *, Sunshine Rose, Jennifer and everyone that helped Set up, tear down, posse marshal or posse jobs. Thanks for making The Ides a great match and a good time. There is so much that goes into making matches successful that I don’t even know about. The team at has certainly done it again. Thanks you!!!


Congratulations to Santa Fe River Stan and Hawkeye gin for winning over all and their categories even if you haven’t shot in months… sigh…. I had a good match, Madame had a good match and Shelleen had a great match. Nothing melted down and I kept it together for the 2nd day. Was better than a good day at work.

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