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by on April 16, 2019


I would like to start out by thanking Cassalong Hopidy, Hollifer A Dollar, Kay Sadeeya and anyone else that helped out. We all have our job on the posse and for the match itself.  I am thankful that we can all come together and play this game. So again, thank you to anyone that helped. You made this match successful and fun.



Last Wednesday Madame finished up her work early, I wrapped up a couple things, we loaded the truck and pointed it north for the 2019 SASS Florida State Championship. We were very luck and didn’t hit a drop of traffic for the drive. Game plan for the match and Game of Thrones were the topics of conversation. I still think Tyrion is not a Lannister but a Targaryen. Any way, enough of my geeking.


Practice and side match day came and went and I was standing on stage 4 which was our first stage. I was really nervous for some reason and couldn’t shake it before I got my guns staged. I was ready said my LAWS YES line and I was off. 24.34 not my best but it was clean. Next stage, same thing I have not clue why I was so nervous. Staged my guns, beep, 30.83. I picked up my guns thinking I had regressed 4 years and forgot how to shoot. I had a couple good stages but I did not shoot my potential and that was a bummer. BIG MATCH NERVS. Congratulation to Rocky Creek Shooter for you 2nd Fl State Wrangler win. I’m coming for you next year!


Madame Moog had a heart breaker on her 7 stage. She was trying hard to get a clean match and one got away from her on stage 6 our 7th stage. I think she recovered fine and finished strong even though she said she could have done better I’m am proud of her and her 3rd time winning Fl State lady Wrangler. She was nice and didn’t rub it in this year she just hugged me and said try again next year.


Shelleen, what can I say about Shelleen? I am good at giving him a hard time about the lack of bling he has won. But the truth is, he takes it in stride and is putting in the time to practice and getting better. The 49er category around these parts is pretty tough. Shelleen takes it gracefully and always has words of encouragement for Madame Moog. For the Moog I still get my “try not to suck Moog” and wouldn’t want it any other way. Shelleen you’re a winner in my book.



Congratulations to Santa Fe River Stan and Hawkeye Gin, Florida state over all champs. The battle of the Duelists was fierce but, Realtree brought it home. That was a fun rivalry to watch and help turn some screws. Firewater Bandit rocked the cowboy Fl State buckle. Congratulations to all of the other Florida State Champions! Congratulations to Anne Oakleaf for winning the one of kind cowboy inspired night light for the ASN Bounty Hunt!


You meet so many people playing this game and become friends. It really does feel like a big family. This year Shelleen and I were inducted into the Cracker Crew. What is the cracker crew?  It’s a group of Florida friends and cowboy shooters that like to travel and shoot cowboy. It is an honor and privilege to be included in that group. Thanks Cracker Crew!


What can I say about Florida State? It was a fun match, warm sunshine and good friends. Was a really good weekend!


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I second Moogs multiple thanks to all that made this match so very successful in all aspects. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the shooting, but equally enjoyed all of the banter and friendly conversations at restaurants, hotel breakfasts, and under the gazebo.I left this match a richer man with many ne... View More
April 16, 2019
Midwest Hale
Posse 4!
April 17, 2019