Fort White Cowboy Cavalry
The Fort White Cowboy Cavalry is part of the Fort White Gun Club Inc, in Fort White, Florida. Fort White is 25 miles northwest of Gainesville, Florida on US 27 & Florida State Route 47.  Range address is 18808 Highway 47, Fort White Florida.  The Cowboy Cavalry is a SASS affiliated Cowboy Action Shooting Group. Our goal is to promote the sport of Cowboy Action style shooting with safety above all. Next is the “Spirit of the Game” sometimes called “the Cowboy Way” which is good sportsmanship, friendliness & willingness to help your pards. Last, but by no means least is FUN – we want you to have a good time! Our Cowboy Action Range is for Cowboy Action Events.   COWBOY SHOOTIN’ SCHEDULE Our monthly match is the 2nd Saturday of the month, six stages rain or shine. Sign up – 8 a.m. Start time – 9 a.m. Fee is $10.00 for FWGC Members – $12.00 Non-Members.   Annual Match – “19th Annual Shootout on the Santa Fe” - November 8th & 9th, 2019 Southeastern Territorial Black Powder Championship – “Darkness Falls” – March 12th, 2020 International Black Powder Championship – “A Dark Day On The Santa Fe” – March 13th-14th, 2020
The Outlaw Travis James
Bad Hombre
Big Country
Red Hills Rangers
The Red Hills Rangers is a cowboy action shooting club formed in 2016. Cowboy action shooting is a timed 4-gun sport involving firearms in use in the 1800’s Old West, specifically two single action revolvers, a lever (or pump) action rifle, and a shotgun, typically a double barrel SxS or Winchester ’97 pump. Only lead bullets and shot are allowed. Velocities are restricted in order to minimize splatter. Targets are mostly steel plate, in sizes and set at distances designed to promote action. Shooters use a registered alias and dress in period costumes or outfits drawn from B Western films and television shows. For more information on Cowboy Action Shooting, visit the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) website: All matches are governed by safety and related rules promulgated nationally by SASS. The Red Hills Rangers are graciously sponsored by Talon Range, a facility dedicated to numerous shooting disciplines and, in particular, to the creation of a first-class Cowboy Action Shooting venue. Matches are held monthly and an 8-stage annual match is held each year. The building of cowboy stage fronts is funded through donations of money, materials and labor and through sponsorship's, with the objective of enhancing the Old West experience for shooters. Few who try Cowboy Action Shooting ever turn back. It is instantly addictive—and as most will tell you: you come for the shooting and stay for the friendships. Grab yer’ guns, pard. If yo’re new to CAS, come out anyway and we’ll see if we can’t get you some guns to use a time or two.
Lake County Pistoleros
146 likes Florida Clubs
SASS Cowboy Action Shooting Club. Monthly match every 3rd Saturday of the month.  Start time is 9am with six stages.  Gun club members cost is $10 and non-members is $20.  First time shooters shoot free.  Also free if you just want to watch.  Be fore-warned you might end up on the line trying you hand with a six-shooter, rifle or shotgun or all three. New Shooters always welcome!!!  If you are new to the area, just visiting, and/or new to Cowboy Action Shooting do come on down as we will make you welcome and help you get started in a great sport.  Bring family and friends as this is a sport spectators can enjoy (bring a chair). Eye and ear protection required but can be purchased a minimum cost at the range.  Found out how fun bang and clang can be!! Information can be found on regarding the locaiton and other options available at our home range which is the Eustis Gun Club. For more information contact the Match Director Smart Asterisk Email: Use the menu above to borwse page.
Hernando County Regulators
Hernando County Regulators home range is the Hernando Sportsman's Club. The sportsman's club is located  within the Chassahowitzka Wildlife Management Area. The address is 16121 Commercial Way ( US-19) Brooksville,Florida. The club phone number is 352-597-9931.  The entrance is located on the westside of the intersection of Commercial Way and Thrasher Ave. Range is about a mile from entrance.            Our matches are held on the first Sunday of the Month. Sign up starts at 8:00 with shooting starting at 9:00. We set up in three bays and shoot two different scenarios each for a total of six stages. Ammo required for match is usually 60 Rifle, 60 Pistol, and 24 Shotgun. Match fees are $10 for members and $15 for non members. Food and refreshments are available at the club house.
Doodle Hill Regulators
Range Address Gun Craft 2403 21st Ave SE, Ruskin, FL 33570 (813) 645-3828 Directions Take I-75 to Exit# 240B, Ruskin/Sun City. Go West on Rt. 674 to 24th Street S.E. Go South on 24th. Pass by Weather Bureau (radar dome), then over I-75. Just past 21st Ave. turn left into Gun Craft Lot. Drive through gate to range.
Hatbill Gang Titusville
SASS Club in Mimms, FL. Matches are fourth Saturday of the month. Usually 6 stages. Run by Bad Hombre with help from many others. 2299 Gun Club Lane Mims, Florida 32754
Weewahootee Vigilance Committee
Welcome to the Single Action Shooting Society Page, home of the Weewahootee Vigilance Committee. Cowboy Action Shooting is one of the fastest growing shooting sports in the nation. Using guns from the 1800’s along with costumes and an alias, you get to play your favorite Western character while shooting a fast and fun competition. Using scenarios from Western and Florida History as well as favorite Western Movies and TV Shows, we shoot at steel targets and knockdowns. Visitors are always welcome so come out and may just get hooked. WHEN ARE REGULAR MATCHES HELD? WVC Matches are held every 2nd Saturday of the Month Cowboy Clinic is held every Tuesday starting at 9 AM WHAT ARE THE MATCH FEES? CFRPC - Members. Men - $10 Women - $5 Juniors - Free Cowboy Clinic - $1 CFRPC - Non-members Men - $15 Women - $10 Juniors - $5 Cowboy Clinic - $6 HOW LONG DOES THE MATCH USUALLY LAST? Match end time between 1:00 - 2:00 PM. HOW MUCH AMMUNITION DO I NEED? 60 Pistol; 60 Rifle; 20-28 Shotgun
Antelope Junction Rangers
Cowboy Action Shooting at the Wyoming Antelope Club Come play Cowboy with us! We shoot every 2nd Saturday of the month. Gates open at 8am and we start shooting at 9am. you will find us in the action bays around back. Antelope Junction Rangers 3700 126th Ave N, Clearwater, FL 33762
Al Ladeau