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by on August 6, 2020


Where do you live? (what state or country)
I live in north San Diego county in California.
When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the
I have been involved with Cowboy Action Shooting since December of 2006 when I went to my first match up at the Cowboys in Norco, Ca. where it all started.
Who was your mentor, either known to them or not?
Jones and Wild Firing Whitey were the pards that got me into CAS and sadly neither one of them has played the game in a decade or more.
Lay Low Curley  was one of the first people I talked to up at Norco and every match that I went to after that and if he was there he’d always have time to answer my stupid questions and offer sage guidance.
How much do you practice, how many rounds a month do you send down
I don’t really shoot that much to practice, maybe 200-300 rounds mostly in my back yard. I live in a very rural area.
Have you won any state, regional, national or world championships?
My gun carts have won 4 Best Gun Carts at EOT.
Tell us about your most memorable match:
I guess my most memorable match would be 2010 The Dulzura Duststorm down at Dulzura. I won the top gun shoot off and thus the match, sometimes a blind squirrel....At the 2019 Western Divisional I was awarded JEDI Gunfighter #277, that was pretty special too.
What is your favorite aspect of CAS?
The people are my favorite part of CAS.
Is there a story behind your alias, and what is that story?
My original alias was Hoss Hungright and my wife hated it. I was watching a car show on TV one night and there was a picture of a yellow corvette driving away and it’s license plate read Yool Luz so I got on the SASS alias look up and entered Yul Lose and it was available and the rest is history.
Where is your favorite place to shoot? (range or match past or present)
The Escondido Bandidos Range is only 6 miles from my house so I guess that would be my favorite local match but for Southern California it would be Cajon Cowboys hands down. The range has been totally rebuilt and it is amazing, if the traffic coming home wasn’t so bad I’d be up there more often.
What category do you shoot?
I am a Senior Gun Fighter. I started out 49er and then Duelist but once I tried gunfighter 
I was hooked big time. In my opinion gunfighter is far more cerebral than the other persuasions.
What is you posse job of choice?
I’ve got a real bad back so I need to sit down for most of the match so I watch the unload table mostly.
What is the time of your fastest clean stage?
My fastest stage was 10.9 seconds clean up at the Western Regional 3 years ago and while I was at the unloading table reveling about my new found speed the TO came over and told me the timer was broke and I got to reshoot the stage and it turned into a 24.9 second stage.
What was the best advice you got from a fellow shooter, and who was it?
China Camp once told me when I was questioning one of the rules one time “The rules are for everybody or they are for no one. Learn from your mistakes”. That was pretty good advice.
What keeps you playing this game?
The guns, shooting and most of all the great people that I’ve met in this sport. The highlight of my year is spending a week up at the front gate at EOT greeting all of the shooters, families, vendors, etc... that make this sport what it is.
What is your favorite thing to do when you are not on the range or
I spend most of my spare time out in my wood shop making sawdust and maybe another EOT Best Gun Cart.
Like (12)
His first alias is hilarious. Great blog. I want to shoot with Yul Lose sometime. I can tell right now that we would become great pards. What a sense of humor and his craftsmanship is marvelous. Thank you for sharing.
August 6, 2020
Razorback Red
Yul is a great pard and one of the most generous cowboys out there. We are lucky enough to see and shoot with him on a regular basis at Norco, Cajon, and Escondido.
August 6, 2020
The Outlaw Travis James
Glad to see you came to the dark side! ASN.
August 6, 2020