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by on August 25, 2020

Where do you live? (what state or country)

  Cedar Hill, Missouri

When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport?

  I started in 2011 when I was 11 years old. Another shooter named Frisco Red told my Father and I about it.

Who was your mentor, either known to them or not?

  Frisco Red and Missouri Traveler

How much do you practice, how many rounds a month do you send down range?

  When I’m seriously practicing for a big match I like to practice everyday for 30 minutes to an hour. I don’t get a lot of live fire, typically I only get to shoot once a week at a monthly match.

Have you won any state, regional, national or world championships?

  5x Missouri State Overall Champion, 2013 Midwest Regional Champion, 2013 Buckaroo World Champion, 2016 Young Gun World Champion, 2016 Overall World Champion, 2019 Gunfighter World Champion

Tell us about your most memorable match:

  Whenever I won the World Championship in 2016

What is your favorite aspect of CAS?

  The quality of people and all of their cool stories. You never know who you’ll run into or what they do in their life outside of Cowboy Action Shooting.

Is there a story behind your alias, and what is that story?

  My alias came from me being from Missouri and actually being left handed. I’ve always thought it was cool being left handed and was proud being from Missouri so I wanted people to know both of those things.

Do you have a travel/shooting buddy? (you know that friend that makes this game what itis)

  My Dad Missouri Traveler. I think I’ve only been to one match without him. We have traveled thousands of miles together across the country.

Where is your favorite place to shoot? (range or match past or present)

  My favorite match every year is the Black Gold Shootout in Manchester, Kentucky. It takes the fun and friendliness of Cowboy Action to a whole new level.

What category do you shoot?

  I originally starred shooting two handed in my age division from Buckaroo up to Cowboy. A couple years ago I switched to Gunfighter and wish I would have done it sooner because it is much more fun and challenging to shoot with a pistol in each hand.

What is your posse job of choice?

  I enjoy picking up brass, because it’s a job that is hard to mess up and normally people are excited if they don’t have to do that job.

What is the time of your fastest clean stage?

  8.1 seconds with 10 rifle, 10 pistol, 2 shotgun at the Ohio State Match.

What was the best advice you got from a fellow shooter, and who was it?

  My Dad and Frisco Red used to tell me to “Hit all the targets” because used they originally would say “Slow down” but that didn’t work for me. So whenever they learned to word it different I started to shoot clean more often and win more matches.

What advice can you give to some of the shooters reading this?

  Talk to everybody, everybody has something you can learn from. 

What keeps you playing this game?

   The Competition and Friendships, which is really fun with your competition is also some of your best friends.

What is your favorite thing to do when you are not on the range or shooting?

I enjoy fishing and hunting. Mainly for Crappie and Whitetail deer.

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Ken Pruitt DiabloSlim
His pistols and rifle are shot at the same sleed in that video...hmmm
August 26, 2020
Ken Pruitt DiabloSlim
Wish i could do that....
August 26, 2020
Camo Cowboy
Thanks Moog. Enjoy these shooter spotlight articles.
August 26, 2020
Another great spotlight and on a damn fine shooter!
August 26, 2020