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Nebraska Clubs
Shoots will be the third Sunday of the month from April to October (excluding July). Times are 8:30 till about Noon. $15. entry for 2023.

California Clubs
Ladies of Cowboy Action Shooting (LOCAS) is a group created and designed to encourage, support, and recognize the accomplishments of ladies in the world of the Single Action Shooting Society and Cowboy Action Shooting™. Whether you are currently a lady shooting, would like to become involved in CAS, or would like to encourage a lady in your life to shoot, then please join LOCAS and support us lady cowboy action shooters. This group is a safe place where we can support encourage and exchange ideas that are related to women who are Cowboy Action Shooters.

Wiregrass Wranglers is located in lower Alabama. We will be shooting on the first Saturday of each month at Tri-State Gun Club, Co Road 437, Daleville, AL.

M I N N E S O T A ! ! ! | ( Morristown, Minnesota ) | Meet us at The Jersey Lilly . . .
Contact: Riverboat Red | Phone: 612-384-9115 | E-Mail:
Territorial Governor: D. M. Yankee | Phone: 612-701-9719 | E-Mail:
Contact of Annual Match: Bronco Kate | Phone: 507-269-2230 | E-Mail:

Old York Shootists, Cowboy Action Shooting at Brooksville Training Range in Brooksville Alabama. Address is 51997 Hwy 79 Blountsville Al. 35031 The range is on the west side of Hwy 79 1 mile north of Hwy 278.
Monthly match is 4th Sunday of every month at 9 AM
Mid month aka Play it Again Sam match 2nd Sunday every month 9 AM
For more info call: Derringer Di (Diana Florence) 205-616-9395

Coyote Gulch is home to the Fort Des Moines Rangers -- a SASS affiliated Cowboy Action Shooting club located southeast of Indianola, Iowa. Coyote Gulch is home to a group of people who, on a given day, find their selves rounding up cattle rustlers, helping the sheriff keep the bank robbers at bay, or just having a good time socializing. Come visit us at Coyote Gulch, a place where the present meets the past; where the action is fun for the experienced shooter, yet simple enough for those just starting out. A place where no one leaves a stranger.
Howdy all! Come on out and shoot the fast and fun sport of Wild Bunch Action Shooting. Every 3rd Saturday in historic Bowie, Texas at the Gunrunner shooting range. We also shoot BAMM and lots of other side match guns. We start at 9:00 break for lunch around noon then get into BAMM etc. stay for all or come out for WB or BAMM . We have classes for the 22’s and 9mms. Drag out that 1911 45 auto govt. model a model 97 or model 12 Winchester along with a 40 cal or larger lever action pistol caliber rifle and your ready for WB . BAMM stands for bolt action military match think 1903 springfield, old German mausers wearing the battle dress as original. We shoot steel so the bolt guns need lead ammo at reduced velocity. for more info

Washington Clubs
Welcome to the North East Washington (N.E.W.) Regulators page. We are a Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) club affiliated with the NRA and the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS), an international organization created to preserve and promote the sport of CAS.
Our range is located in Colville WA, see menu for map and driving directions or use 48.5075 N -117.8712 W. We shoot year around, the first full weekend of the month (sunshine, rain or snow unless forecast calls for 24° or less. Decision is made Thursday before the match. Memgers will be notified by email). Saturday and Sunday are separate matches with a safety meeting prior to each match start time of 9 AM.

"If you ain't wanted you ain't wanted"
We are a Cowboy Action Shooting Club affiliated with
the Single Action Shooting Society or
(SASS) so SASS rules apply. We shoot the second
and fourth Saturdays each month as well as the fifth
Saturday when they come around. We unlock the
gate about 8:00 A.M. The coffee pot is on.
Registration 9:30. Shooters meeting 9:45 Shoot at
10:00. We normally shoot three scenarios, break for
lunch and go back to shoot three more. Shooting
scenarios require single action revolvers, lever or
pump action rifles in a pistol caliber, and double
barrel, lever or 1897 pump action shotguns. We are located at 479 Pearson Road in Heber Springs, Arkansas. Our website is:

Vulcan Longrifles shoots at the Brock's Gap Training Center in Hoover, AL, every third Saturday at 10:00 am.
Hanso Lowe
3721 South Shades Crest Road, Birmingham, AL 35244

Florida Clubs
Welcome to the home of The Panhandle Cowboys. Monthly matches are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Element Training Complex in Holt, FL. Monthly matches consist of Four or Six Stages (60 rounds-Pistol, 40 - 60 rounds-Rifle, 24-36 rounds-Shotgun). Optional side matches are sometimes scheduled following the main match and may include activities such as derringer, long range rifle, or wild bunch competitions.
Everyone is invited to take a nostalgic trip back to the later half of the 1800's and experience the guns and attire of the Old West. Members are more than willing to explain the rules and procedures of the sport. It is usually possible to set up interested guests to shoot a stage or two following the main match.
The club is sanctioned by the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS). SASS has over 100,000 members worldwide. This organization establishes the firearm, ammunition and attire requirements for the various shooting categories. In general, firearms required are two pistols, one rifle and one shotgun, all manufactured prior to 1900. Originals and reproductions are acceptable, but very few originals are used for the competition. Detailed requirements are available in the Shooter's Handbook available on the SASS WebSite

Arizona Clubs
Welcome to The Granite Mountain Outlaws, one of SASS's newest Cowboy Action Shooting groups located in Chino Valley, AZ. We hold our monthly matches the 3rd Sunday of the month at the Compass Training Center in Chino Valley, AZ, located on Perkinsville Road.
Registration starts when the range opens and the match starts one hour later. Check Compass Training Center Events for range hours.
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Cowboy Action Shooting Clubs by State