Moonshine at Dark Corner
MOONSHINE, nestled in the foothills of South Carolina, is pretty quiet here now. It hasn't always been that way, after the War Between the States, people around these parts weren't very happy. The government decided they needed money so they started taxing the corn whiskey. Not much grows in these mountians but corn did very well and now the government wanted to take away our livelihood. That didn't set well with most people. The REVENUERS came and demanded money. If they didn't get money they busted up our stills. So the people did what they had to do. The whiskey was brewed in the middle of the night when no one was around. It worked pretty good, but, that is how we got the new name for corn whiskey, MOONSHINE. In the 20's, 30's and 40's the REVENUERS tried to wipe out the business. In '74 when we bought the property there were 30+ stills. The next day they were all gone. MOONSHINE is a quiet little town now except about once a month when the local cowboys head to town. You won't find any spirits here but we sure hope you will visit for the shootin' and stay for the friends. Happy Trails.  
Arkansas Leadslingers
8 likes Arkansas
Frisco City, Arkansas (Near Rogers in NW Arkansas)   GPS Coordinates 12112 Arabian DriveN36* 24' 01" by W 093* 57' 39”  Next Door to 12112 Arabian Drive, Rogers, AR. Look for the Frisco City Name on the gate. Directions to the  Range: From the North or East get on AR Hwy 62 and go to Garfield, AR At Garfield:  Turn South on Hwy 127, right next to ‘The Buss Stop’, travel 1.8 miles turn on Ventris Road,. Travel 2.1 miles and turn right on Posey Mtn. Road. Travel .9 miles and turn left on Arabian Drive travel 1.2 miles to the SASS sign and turn to the left into a double gate.   From the South or West – Get on I-49. Take the US-62/AR-102 exit, EXIT 86, toward BENTONVILLE/ROGERS. Head East from Avoca: Turn East at the Red Light in Avoca, right next to the ‘Avoca One Stop’ after crossing rail road tracks veer to the right on Hwy. 74, which turns into Coosehollow Road, which turns into Posey Mtn. Road but stay on these roads which are all Benton County Hwy. 74, along the way you will pass the water treatment plant and the road will split with 74 going to the left, stay on 74, travel 5.9 miles and the road will split again you will have to turn to the left to stay on Posey Mtn. Rd. from this turn it is .6 miles then turn right on Arabian Drive, travel .9 miles and turn to the right into a double gate. Second and Fourth Saturday  of every Month
Monument Springs Bushwackers
Monument Springs Bushwackers are located in Hobbs, NM. We shoot every fourth Saturday of the month. Safety meeting is at 8:30 and we start ringin’ it in at 9:00. See y’all there!! 🤠
Happy Shootzmore
Jim Lefty Roberts
Dakota RoughRiders
Our group was formed in 2002. The founding cowboys, Heck Catcher, Blackwater Bill, RoughRider Jim Bob, Brewster Cogburn, Joe Coe, Dennis Kroh, and Yellowstone Vic, began meeting at the local truck stop and planning our “outfit”. We’ve been joined by a group of dedicated cowboys that we refer to as “The Committee”. Team work is the only way we can make it. We’ve also been affiliated with the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) since our very beginning. Our Territorial Governor is a cowboy called Shooter. Come visit us and enjoy an afternoon of shooting competition that’s made for the entire family. If you don’t have guns, we’ll help ya out. All you need is a SMILE! Stay in the saddle and keep your powd’r dry!
M. C. Burnside
The Outlaw Travis James
Badlands Bandits
The Badlands Bandits are one of the four SASS affiliated Cowboy Action Shooting Clubs in North Dakota and are sponsored by theBelfield Sportsman Club in Belfield North Dakota. Spectators are always welcome; newcomers and those interested in learning more about the Badlands Bandits or cowboy action shooting are invited to attend a monthly shoot. Experienced cowboys will be on hand to guide you through the stages and explain how to get started in the sport.  For more information about SASS (the Single Action Shooting Society) go to or follow this link. There you will find more detailed information about how the game is played as well as links to all SASS-affiliated clubs. Don't forget your cowboy hat and boots!
M. C. Burnside
Risky Rick
The Outlaw Travis James
Single Action Shooting Society
What is SASS? The Single Action Shooting Society® (SASS®) is an international membership organization formed in 1987 to preserve and promote the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™.  SASS serves as the governing and sanctioning body for the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™ and Wild Bunch Action Shooting™ worldwide; ensuring safety and consistency in the sport. SASS® members share a common interest in preserving the history of the Old West and competitive shooting in a safe, fun, family-friendly environment. SASS® has come a long way since its origins, and is a direct reflection of the membership who join with heart and vigor expanding and keeping alive the Spirit of the Game, and credits the many individuals and groups who have contributed to the growth and direction of Cowboy Action Shooting™ along the way. SASS® World Headquarters is located in Akron, Indiana and maintains a full time staff to conduct the day-to-day operations. All SASS® publications, including The Cowboy Chronicle™, SASS Rulebooks, Territorial Governor Bulletin, END of TRAIL® publications, among others, are published in-house.
SASS Florida
SASS Florida’s Mission Statement We are here to assist each Florida SASS Club in promoting their events, recruiting new members, connecting the Florida CAS Community, and helping to move the sport into the social media age. If there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to ask. Facebook Group: Facebook Page:
Big Salty "Ghost Town of the West"
9 likes Utah Clubs
Big Salty, is a Cowboy Ation Shooting Range outside of Salt Lake City to the west. The range host multi-clubs and rarely is there not a Saturday where Cowboys and Cowgirls are throwing Lead. can find more info at    
SW Florida Regulators
SASS Cowboy Action Matches on the 3rd Saturday and 4th Sunday each month.  Wild Bunch Shooters are welcome on the 4th Sunday each month.   We also host the 2-day "Shootout in the Swamp" in March each year.  Come shoot and enjoy a hotdog and some cowboy conversation afterwards!   Hansen Range and Gun Club, 27700 Zemel Rd., Punta Gorda, FL 33955 Sheriff: Right Again Dad 239-898-3627 Treasurer: Mama Knows Best 239-898-3948 Territorial Governor: Preacherman 239-878-3579   
Right Again Dad
Billy Blaze
Bogus Jim
Belton Bushwhackers
Welcome to the Belton Bushwhackers! We are a Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) cowboy action shooting club located at the Belton Gun Club in Belton, South Carolina.   FUN AND SAFE Our goal is a fun club that welcomes all shooters at all levels.  We hope to build our ranks and the shooting sports through community involvement and the open acceptance of both new and veteran shooters.   We want to invite everyone to come out and shoot!
Shortgrass Rangers
SASS affiliated club located outside of Grandfield, Oklahoma.  Matches on the first and third Saturday of each month.  Annual match is normally the third weekend in July, known as Hell on the Prairie.  Club also has an all shotgun match each year, called the Great Shotgun Classic.  Come out and play cowboy with us!