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53 years old.

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By: on September 7, 2020
Where do you live? (what state or country)   Oklahoma When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport? ...
964 views 3 likes
By: on January 16, 2018
This past weekend was my first match as match director for the Antelope Junction Rangers. I got to the range started laying out carpets and getting ready to go as people started showing up. Made the sign up sheet added the shooters to the electronics and started the match. There is defiantly more work than loading up your stuff and heading to the range to shoot. I have some plans for AJR, I’m going to make some props like, fences, hitchin posts, cactuses and cow boy cut outs. If you have any...
1.3k+ views 2 likes
By: on July 11, 2018
This past weekend I shot with the Weewahootee Vigilance Committee if you want to call it shooting. I picked up Shelleen and we started west on I4. The sun was coming up and very little traffic made me think “what a nice way to spend a Saturday”. We talked about what happened on WestWorld and there were a few “wait, what's” from me as Shelleen was breaking it down for me. I guess I’ll need to watch the last EP again. Got our grub and pulled on to the range.   Set up our carts, said our good...
1.5k+ views 2 likes
By: on March 1, 2016
Sunday started out nice and cool and warmed up by the time the lead started flying at the Doddle Hill Regulators monthly match. Everything started off well even though I had 1 miss on the first 2 stages I was playing the game I showed up to play. I have been trying to get faster by thinking about and cleaning up my transitions and running the guns a little harder. That was working, I had 22 and 24 seconds with 1 on each. I was really happy with the 24 second stage because that stage I also misse...
1.1k+ views 1 like
By: on December 21, 2018
Well here we are at the end of another year of shooting. If you are obsessive like me you probably shot somewhere around 50 matches, some good some bad. I shot the Fl state match. I did ok for me. The Georgia state match, dropped a pistol first stage. Ides of March, had a good match and Wyatt still owes me 5 or 6 who’s your daddy’s. Madame Moog and I shot in the New Jersey State match, and let me tell ya it was cold. With the good and the bad I wouldn't’t take any of it back. i got to be with fr...
392 views 1 like
By: on May 22, 2018
Well here is how Georgia State went for The Moog. I picked up Shelleen on Wednesday afternoon and we headed north. It rained for most of the drive bet we made it with time to spare. Thursday morning, we went to the range and Shelleen shot the side and practice matches while I worked from the club house. Damn, work is a 4-letter word.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ...
453 views 1 like
By: on July 18, 2016
I shot this past weekend at The Lake County Pistoleros, what a good match. The range is nice and shaded in the summer to try to beat the heat but it was still hot. I shot ok for me stages hovering around 22 or 23 seconds and 3 misses for the entire day, even though I think I had 3 on 1 stage but spotters only called 2. Sometimes it works out that way. a good bit of the shooters on my posse were shooting raw times of like 14 to 16 seconds, that made me feel a little slow. But, I played my game an...
1.3k+ views 1 like
By: on March 23, 2018
The Ides of March came and went this year and as always it was a great match. A good combination of people and location will do that. I would like to give a job and I do mean JOB well done to Arcadia Outlaw, Greta D, Brucester Diamond and Wildcard Willow. The set up crew deserves recognition as well, unfortunately I don’t know everyone that helped set up, but I really do appreciate the hard work. Without you we probably would not be playing this game. 10 stages of targets, tables, props, canopie...
1.4k+ views 1 like
By: on September 19, 2017
Madame Moog and I made through IRMA with no major damage. The cleanup was faster than getting power back on though. The storm cancelled the AJR match and The Lake County Pistoleros match as well as people were still recovering. I had booked a trip to Pennsylvania to shoot with my dad at his local match but the first flight was canceled. We cleaned up and Madame Moog rebooked my flight so I did get to shoot last weekend. The Titusville PA Sportsman Club has challenging match once a month. The tar...
1.4k+ views 1 like
By: on August 10, 2017
It sure has been a while since i blogged here. But moving forward on the site and app has sparked today's blog. Some of you may know that I attended EOT for the first time. Those that don't know End Of Trail is the Cowboy Action Shooting World Championship. Held this past June in Edgewood New Mexico. A couple firsts here I guess, first trip to NM too. Let me tell ya, we had fun. People had me worried about a few things like the altitude, seeing I'm a sea level person and the heat. Neither real...
1.4k+ views 0 likes
By: on September 2, 2017
The day started out normal, picked up Shelleen and headed out to the Wewahootee Vigilance Committee’s monthly match. It was guess what, HOT, again, in Florida who would have thought it. Overcast for the first 4 stages and sun shining for the last 2. If you don’t know, there is nothing like leaving your long guns on the loading table in the Florida sun before you shoot the stage. Your guns get a little toasty. At least it didn’t rain on us. The match started out normal, however it ended a litt...
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