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This blog was inspired by a question I received from Camo Cowboy on Action Shooting Network. “Question for you? Is there info on the types of stages? I am wanting to practice and being new my only set back is learning the stages and how to shoot them. Working on transitions like you show and smoothness. Practicing in garage with fake stands and tables set up.”
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Where do you live? (what state or country)
I am born and raised in Jupiter, the hometown of Burt Reynolds, along the southeast coast of the great Sunshine State known as Florida. Home of the very first cowboys in North America and of the infamous Florida Cracker Cow Hunters like Bone Mizell. Jupiter is about an hour southeast from the very first cattle ranch ever in the U.S. near Yeehaw Junction in central Florida.
Jupiter is in northeastern Palm Beach County and about 20 miles north o...
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Dark Day on The Santa Fe 2021 was another successful match from Confederate Colt and the gang at the Ft. White Gun Club. There is a long list of people that are essential to making that match what it is and we thank you all. Everyone worked hard all week to pull it off again. They always make you feel like family with the match and all the festivities. Sure Shot Shawanda’s cinnamon rolls were just right for the cool mornings of the match and Laura and Bucky’s chili warmed us up Friday night. I k...