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By: on December 28, 2020
Where do you live? (what state or country) Tennessee ...
869 views 9 likes
By: on December 14, 2020
Where do you live? (what state or country)   Pennsylvania When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport? ...
742 views 7 likes
By: on December 13, 2020
I recently came across this brilliant song about cowboy action shooting. I didn't find much information about it online, but it's apparently called the "Ballad of the Single Action Shooters" from the album Six Gun Legends of the Silver Screen by Jim Bowman and can be listened to here: I enjoyed it so much that I decided to transcribe its lyrics (with the help of Madame Moog), its guitar chords, and the tablature for the catchy little riff in the song in case anybody else wants to sing/pla...
810 views 6 likes
By: on November 30, 2020
Where do you live? (what state or country)   Edmond, Oklahoma When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport? ...
2.5k+ views 16 likes
By: on November 24, 2020
What can I say about the crew that came together to pull of one of the most fun matches that I have attended, that has not been said before? Let me try. Thank you, Arcadia Outlaw and Greta D, for keeping the fire burning for the 2020 Ides. Arcadia Outlaw wrote excellent stages and Greta D kept the ship pointed in the right direction. With all the crazy stuff going on in the world these days I know it was stressful to even think about and try to plan for. You guys pulled it off, well done. De...
702 views 11 likes
By: on November 22, 2020
The “Ides of Marvember” Florida State Championship 2020 was my first “big” match and two unexpected things happened to me during those two days. The first was a disappointing one (and is documented in my video of the match) but the second was a fun one. I had never been to a SASS-related banquet, but had a general idea that I needed to dress up a little bit so I scrounged around my closet and Amazon Prime to piece together an outfit that vaguely coordinated and seemed appropriate for the them...
688 views 20 likes
By: on November 9, 2020
You spent the time now show them off. If you have been waiting for a reason to do a mod on your grips here ya go. If you haven't already, create an account so you can post a picture of your custom grips. Our expert judges on coolness will select the set set they think is the best and give you the ammo for a whole match. To enter post a picture(S) of your match revolver grips along with and however you want to display it in the comments. W...
1.6k+ views 11 likes
By: on November 9, 2020
Where do you live? (what state or country) I live in Rose Bud, AR. We like to call this area God's country with friendly neighbors and beautiful country scenery. ...
974 views 13 likes
By: on October 27, 2020
Where do you live? (what state or country)   California When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport? ...
950 views 15 likes
By: on October 26, 2020
I am going to start by thanking the pards that put together a well-organized and fun event. Buck D. Law, Barkeep Casey, Iron Head Smith, Drake Robey, Branchwater Jack, Greywolf Tate, Toolman and Reno Mustang. I didn’t see any of these guys stop while on the range or at the awards. Here is a link to the shooter book if you want to check it out. Range Wars Episode V The Rustlers Strike Back The stories and starting lines were fun. Outstanding job you guys and I personal cannot wait for episode VI....
783 views 16 likes
By: on October 5, 2020
Where do you live? (what state or country)   Southern California ...
917 views 11 likes
By: on September 21, 2020
Where do you live? (what state or country)   Claremore, OK When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport? ...
958 views 7 likes