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Ladies of Cowboy Action Shooting (LOCAS) is a group created and designed to encourage, support, and recognize the accomplishments of ladies in the world of the Single Action Shooting Society and Cowboy Action Shooting™. Whether you are currently a lady shooting, would like to become involved in CAS, or would like to encourage a lady in your life to shoot, then please join LOCAS and support us lady cowboy action shooters. This group is a safe place where we can support encourage and exchange ideas that are related to women who are Cowboy Action Shooters.

M I N N E S O T A ! ! ! | ( Morristown, Minnesota ) | Meet us at The Jersey Lilly . . .
Contact: Riverboat Red | Phone: 612-384-9115 | E-Mail: riverboatred@mac.com
Territorial Governor: D. M. Yankee | Phone: 612-701-9719 | E-Mail: dmyankee@aol.com
Contact of Annual Match: Bronco Kate | Phone: 507-269-2230 | E-Mail: broncokate45@charter.net

Old York Shootists, Cowboy Action Shooting at Brooksville Training Range in Brooksville Alabama. Address is 51997 Hwy 79 Blountsville Al. 35031 The range is on the west side of Hwy 79 1 mile north of Hwy 278.
Monthly match is 4th Sunday of every month at 9 AM
Mid month aka Play it Again Sam match 2nd Sunday every month 9 AM
For more info call: Derringer Di (Diana Florence) 205-616-9395

Coyote Gulch is home to the Fort Des Moines Rangers -- a SASS affiliated Cowboy Action Shooting club located southeast of Indianola, Iowa. Coyote Gulch is home to a group of people who, on a given day, find their selves rounding up cattle rustlers, helping the sheriff keep the bank robbers at bay, or just having a good time socializing. Come visit us at Coyote Gulch, a place where the present meets the past; where the action is fun for the experienced shooter, yet simple enough for those just starting out. A place where no one leaves a stranger.
Howdy all! Come on out and shoot the fast and fun sport of Wild Bunch Action Shooting. Every 3rd Saturday in historic Bowie, Texas at the Gunrunner shooting range. We also shoot BAMM and lots of other side match guns. We start at 9:00 break for lunch around noon then get into BAMM etc. stay for all or come out for WB or BAMM . We have classes for the 22’s and 9mms. Drag out that 1911 45 auto govt. model a model 97 or model 12 Winchester along with a 40 cal or larger lever action pistol caliber rifle and your ready for WB . BAMM stands for bolt action military match think 1903 springfield, old German mausers wearing the battle dress as original. We shoot steel so the bolt guns need lead ammo at reduced velocity. dustyboddams@yahoo.com for more info

Welcome to the North East Washington (N.E.W.) Regulators page. We are a Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) club affiliated with the NRA and the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS), an international organization created to preserve and promote the sport of CAS.
Our range is located in Colville WA, see menu for map and driving directions or use 48.5075 N -117.8712 W. We shoot year around, the first full weekend of the month (sunshine, rain or snow unless forecast calls for 24° or less. Decision is made Thursday before the match. Memgers will be notified by email). Saturday and Sunday are separate matches with a safety meeting prior to each match start time of 9 AM.

"If you ain't wanted you ain't wanted"
We are a Cowboy Action Shooting Club affiliated with
the Single Action Shooting Society or
(SASS) so SASS rules apply. We shoot the second
and fourth Saturdays each month as well as the fifth
Saturday when they come around. We unlock the
gate about 8:00 A.M. The coffee pot is on.
Registration 9:30. Shooters meeting 9:45 Shoot at
10:00. We normally shoot three scenarios, break for
lunch and go back to shoot three more. Shooting
scenarios require single action revolvers, lever or
pump action rifles in a pistol caliber, and double
barrel, lever or 1897 pump action shotguns. We are located at 479 Pearson Road in Heber Springs, Arkansas. Our website is: http://outlawcamp.com/index.html

Welcome to the home of The Panhandle Cowboys. Monthly matches are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Element Training Complex in Holt, FL. Monthly matches consist of Four or Six Stages (60 rounds-Pistol, 40 - 60 rounds-Rifle, 24-36 rounds-Shotgun). Optional side matches are sometimes scheduled following the main match and may include activities such as derringer, long range rifle, or wild bunch competitions.
Everyone is invited to take a nostalgic trip back to the later half of the 1800's and experience the guns and attire of the Old West. Members are more than willing to explain the rules and procedures of the sport. It is usually possible to set up interested guests to shoot a stage or two following the main match.
The club is sanctioned by the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS). SASS has over 100,000 members worldwide. This organization establishes the firearm, ammunition and attire requirements for the various shooting categories. In general, firearms required are two pistols, one rifle and one shotgun, all manufactured prior to 1900. Originals and reproductions are acceptable, but very few originals are used for the competition. Detailed requirements are available in the Shooter's Handbook available on the SASS WebSite

Welcome to The Granite Mountain Outlaws, one of SASS's newest Cowboy Action Shooting groups located in Chino Valley, AZ. We hold our monthly matches the 3rd Sunday of the month at the Compass Training Center in Chino Valley, AZ, located on Perkinsville Road.
Registration starts when the range opens and the match starts one hour later. Check Compass Training Center Events for range hours.

MOONSHINE, nestled in the foothills of South Carolina, is pretty quiet here now. It hasn't always been that way, after the War Between the States, people around these parts weren't very happy. The government decided they needed money so they started taxing the corn whiskey. Not much grows in these mountians but corn did very well and now the government wanted to take away our livelihood. That didn't set well with most people. The REVENUERS came and demanded money. If they didn't get money they busted up our stills. So the people did what they had to do. The whiskey was brewed in the middle of the night when no one was around.
It worked pretty good, but, that is how we got the new name for corn whiskey, MOONSHINE. In the 20's, 30's and 40's the REVENUERS tried to wipe out the business. In '74 when we bought the property there were 30+ stills. The next day they were all gone. MOONSHINE is a quiet little town now except about once a month when the local cowboys head to town.
You won't find any spirits here but we sure hope you will visit for the shootin' and stay for the friends. Happy Trails.

Frisco City, Arkansas
(Near Rogers in NW Arkansas)
GPS Coordinates
12112 Arabian DriveN36* 24' 01" by W 093* 57' 39”
Next Door to 12112 Arabian Drive, Rogers, AR.
Look for the Frisco City Name on the gate.
Directions to the Range:
From the North or East get on AR Hwy 62 and go to Garfield, AR At Garfield:
Turn South on Hwy 127, right next to ‘The Buss Stop’, travel 1.8 miles turn on Ventris Road,. Travel 2.1 miles and turn right on Posey Mtn. Road. Travel .9 miles and turn left on Arabian Drive travel 1.2 miles to the SASS sign and turn to the left into a double gate.
From the South or West – Get on I-49.
Take the US-62/AR-102 exit, EXIT 86, toward BENTONVILLE/ROGERS.
Head East from Avoca:
Turn East at the Red Light in Avoca, right next to the ‘Avoca One Stop’ after crossing rail road tracks veer to the right on Hwy. 74, which turns into Coosehollow Road, which turns into Posey Mtn. Road but stay on these roads which are all Benton County Hwy. 74, along the way you will pass the water treatment plant and the road will split with 74 going to the left, stay on 74, travel 5.9 miles and the road will split again you will have to turn to the left to stay on Posey Mtn. Rd. from this turn it is .6 miles then turn right on Arabian Drive, travel .9 miles and turn to the right into a double gate.
Second and Fourth Saturday of every Month

Our group was formed in 2002. The founding cowboys, Heck Catcher, Blackwater Bill, RoughRider Jim Bob, Brewster Cogburn, Joe Coe, Dennis Kroh, and Yellowstone Vic, began meeting at the local truck stop and planning our “outfit”. We’ve been joined by a group of dedicated cowboys that we refer to as “The Committee”. Team work is the only way we can make it.
We’ve also been affiliated with the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) since our very beginning. Our Territorial Governor is a cowboy called Shooter.
Come visit us and enjoy an afternoon of shooting competition that’s made for the entire family. If you don’t have guns, we’ll help ya out. All you need is a SMILE!
Stay in the saddle and keep your powd’r dry!

The Badlands Bandits are one of the four SASS affiliated Cowboy Action Shooting Clubs in North Dakota and are sponsored by theBelfield Sportsman Club in Belfield North Dakota.
Spectators are always welcome; newcomers and those interested in learning more about the Badlands Bandits or cowboy action shooting are invited to attend a monthly shoot. Experienced cowboys will be on hand to guide you through the stages and explain how to get started in the sport. For more information about SASS (the Single Action Shooting Society) go to www.sassnet.com or follow this link. There you will find more detailed information about how the game is played as well as links to all SASS-affiliated clubs.
Don't forget your cowboy hat and boots!

What is SASS?
The Single Action Shooting Society® (SASS®) is an international membership organization formed in 1987 to preserve and promote the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™. SASS serves as the governing and sanctioning body for the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™ and Wild Bunch Action Shooting™ worldwide; ensuring safety and consistency in the sport.
SASS® members share a common interest in preserving the history of the Old West and competitive shooting in a safe, fun, family-friendly environment.
SASS® has come a long way since its origins, and is a direct reflection of the membership who join with heart and vigor expanding and keeping alive the Spirit of the Game, and credits the many individuals and groups who have contributed to the growth and direction of Cowboy Action Shooting™ along the way.
SASS® World Headquarters is located in Akron, Indiana and maintains a full time staff to conduct the day-to-day operations.
All SASS® publications, including The Cowboy Chronicle™, SASS Rulebooks, Territorial Governor Bulletin, END of TRAIL® publications, among others, are published in-house.

SASS Florida’s Mission Statement
We are here to assist each Florida SASS Club in promoting their events, recruiting new members, connecting the Florida CAS Community, and helping to move the sport into the social media age.
If there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to ask.
Facebook Group: http://facebook.com/groups/SASSFL
Facebook Page: http://fb.me/SASSFlorida

SASS Cowboy Action Matches on the 3rd Saturday and 4th Sunday each month. Wild Bunch Shooters are welcome on the 4th Sunday each month. We also host the 2-day "Shootout in the Swamp" in March each year. Come shoot and enjoy a hotdog and some cowboy conversation afterwards!
Hansen Range and Gun Club, 27700 Zemel Rd., Punta Gorda, FL 33955
Sheriff: Right Again Dad 239-898-3627 rightagaindad@gmail.com
Treasurer: Mama Knows Best 239-898-3948 mamaknowsbest239@gmail.com
Territorial Governor: Preacherman 239-878-3579 realtorfowler@gmail.com

Welcome to the Belton Bushwhackers!
We are a Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) cowboy action shooting club located at the Belton Gun Club in Belton, South Carolina.
Our goal is a fun club that welcomes all shooters at all levels. We hope to build our ranks and the shooting sports through community involvement and the open acceptance of both new and veteran shooters.
We want to invite everyone to come out and shoot!

SASS affiliated club located outside of Grandfield, Oklahoma. Matches on the first and third Saturday of each month. Annual match is normally the third weekend in July, known as Hell on the Prairie. Club also has an all shotgun match each year, called the Great Shotgun Classic. Come out and play cowboy with us!

We are a SASS affiliated club located on the west side of the state in Milan, IL. We operate out of the Milan Rifle Club and have a great cowboy town, with lots of shade, great props, lunch on site and fun, six stage matches. We shoot on the third Sunday of the month Cowboy and on the Saturday before we have a Wild Bunch match.
Our contact information is:
Justice James Newton (309) 236-5082
Mountain Man Champ (309) 235-9619

The Whiskey Row Gunslingers shoot matches every 2nd Sunday of the month at Prescott Action Shooters range, part of the Yavapai Recreation League family of shooting clubs. Come join us for a fun and interesting match! See the above URL for more information.

Monthly matches are held the first Saturday and third Sunday at the Markham Park Target Range in Sunrise. The Gold Coast Gunslingers Cowboy Action Shooting Club, Inc., founded in 1998, is one of the largest cowboy action shooting clubs in Florida.
Markham Park Target Range, 16001 W State Rd 84, Sunrise, Florida 33326
Registration begins at 8:00 am, safety meeting at 8:45 am, and the match begins at 9:00 am.
New Range Fees start in January
As Markham Park range fees and other costs associated with running the club and maintaining equipment have increased over the years, we will be increasing both our Main and Mid-month club match fees as follows, effective January 1, 2019.
Club Members: $15.00 - Non Members: $20.00
Shooters Packets
The Gold Coast Gunslingers New Shooter Introduction and Guide to SASS Cowboy Action is now available! See Member Into tab, or click here to view, download, or print.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/goldcoastgunslingers/
Markam Park is a beautiful facility operated by Broward County and located just on the edge of the Florida Everglades. It's a great place to shoot! If you've been thinking about getting started in Cowboy Action Shooting or if you'd just like to watch, come on out and join us. We'd love to show you the ropes!
Please note that no firearms may be worn outside of the range area (including the parking lot, public range or restrooms).
It is a MDQ if you pack iron outside of the fence, so y'all just bring 'em in bags and put them on inside the fence, and stash yer iron before you walk out to the car.
Registration Information:
Registration is from 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.
Mandatory Safety Meeting at 8:45 a.m.
Shooting begins at 9:00 a.m.
$15.00 - Gold Coast Members
$20.00 - Non-Members
Buckaroos and Young Guns shoot free when accompanied by a shooting adult.
Ammo Needs:
75 Rounds Pistol Cartridge *
75 Rounds Lever Rifle Cartridge *
30 Rounds Shotgun *
* These are approximate amounts.
Directions to Markham Park:
From I-95 or Florida's Turnpike, take I-595 westbound, then veer right at the I-75 split to exit at the next ramp for Weston Road. The park entrance is on the right (north) at the Weston Road intersection.
From I-75, take I-595 eastbound. Exit on Flamingo Road (exit #1B) and make a U-turn under I-595 to go west on State Road 84. Go past N.W. 136th Avenue. The park entrance is on the right (north) at the Weston Road intersection.
View in Google Maps View Park Information
Our Board of Directors
George Washington McLintock - President
Miss Conduct - Vice President
Hoosegow Hank - Treasurer
Lady Lilly O'Valley - Secretary
Angus McNasty - Match Director
Cuthbert J. Twillie - Equipment Director
Jeremiah Longknife - Territorial Governor
Bumblebee Rose - Scores
Miss Conduct - Scores
Lady Lilly O'Valley - News Letter
Velvet Sheath - Social Committee
Neighbor Dave - Web Wrangler

Cowboy Action Shooting Club located at the OK Corral Gun Club in Okeechobee, FL that shoots on the 4th Saturday of every month.
Named after the Wild West’s famous 30 second gun fight in 1881, OK Corral Gun Club is situated on a 350-acre site in Okeechobee, Florida. This land was settled back in the early 1800’s as grazing lands for cattle back when Okeechobee was the home to European settlers. It is now repurposed to being the premier shooting sports club and western town in south central Florida. Housing 10 outdoor shooting venues, mining town cabins, recreational and event facilities, and so much more spread out along the land.

St. Augustine, Florida’s very own Cowboy Action Shooting club is back! Come join us on the first Sunday of every month October- May to ring some steel and have a good time!
You can find the Ghost Town Gunslingers at Ancient City Shooting Range- 3021 Agricultural Center Dr. St. Augustine, FL 32092
Registration starts at 8:00am and the first shots go down range at 9:00am! Cost will be $10 dollars for members, and $15 dollars for non-members.
Please contact Midwest Hale through the Action Shooting Network if you have any questions!

Welcome to A Dark Day On The Santa Fe, the SASS International Black Powder Championship! Join use Friday March 13th and Saturday March 14th, 2020 for 10 stages of some of best black powder shooting SASS has to offer.
We are also hosting “Darkness Falls” the SASS Southeastern Territorial Black Powder Championship on Thursday March 12th!
3 Days
16 Stages
2 Championships
Are you cowboy enough to come to the Dark Side?
For more information visit http://fwcc.net/black-powder-championships/

We shoot the 3rd Sunday of the month. We host our Great Northfield Raid Annual every November.
Registration starts at 8 a.m., shooting starts at 9 a.m.
Cowboy Action Shooting
One of our favorite activities around here (besides Trap and Plinking) is Cowboy Action Shooting! Not to be confused with "quick draw", Cowboy Action Shooting utilizes live ammunition, steel targets, multiple firearms (revolvers, rifle, shotgun) and a whole lot of 1880's era hoo-ya.
If you're not familiar with the sport, then check out the description on our Intro to Cowboy Action Shooting Class page.
But if you are a cowboy shooter.... then this is the club you want to shoot with.

"Double R Bar is a Cowboy Shooting Club. We promote and provide the local public with training and the opportunity to participate in the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS). At these events we use live rounds, steel targets, and timed stages. We are affiliated with the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) and all shooting events and firearms used by club members follow SASS guidelines for the safety of all participants and spectators."
The Double R Bar Regulators club was founded in June of 1997. This ‘little club with a big heart’ has grown rapidly and has earned its reputation for having lots of good, honest fun. Regulators enjoy the camaraderie of friends while exercising their love of the Old West lifestyle and Second Amendment rights.
We are history come to life in our dress and our beliefs. Double R Bar Regulators take great pride in displaying their insignias depicting the RR Bar brand, which is Roy Roger’s own. The Double R Bar club is proud to ‘ride for the brand’ of Roy and Dale. The Code of the West, as depicted in all of Roy’s and Dale’s movies, is very much alive with us. Woe to the varmint who forgets that!
Double R Bar regulators are encouraged, but not required, to join SASS and the NRA.
Monthly meetings are held on the second Sunday of each month after the shooting match.
Monthly shoots are held the second Sunday of the month at the Lions’ Pride Gun Range in Lucerne Valley, California. Beginning at 9:00 a.m. with a brief shooters’ meeting.
Call us Today!
Visitors and newcomers are always welcome to attend meetings and shoots as observers. Regulators new to the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting can get trained and mentored in the country’s fastest growing firearm-related sport. Brand new shooters are taught safe firearm handling along with Cowboy Action Shooting. Safety is the NUMBER ONE priority–through having a lot of fun is a close second.
In addition to shooting, the Double R Bar Regulators volunteer time to assist Happy Trails Children’s foundation and the Lions Club Pride. We can usually be found at any of the charity fund-raisers, Old West themed dances, or lending a hand (or gun) in impromptu stunt shows. We’ve been known to appear in local parades firing blanks as fast as we can (whenever we’re allowed), or livening up the local areas restaurants after a long day at the range. There’s nothing quite like a gang of period-dressed cowboys and cowgirls to add interest to any situation.
P.O. Box 3105
Victorville, Ca 92393-3105
©2017 by Double R Bar Regulators. Proudly created with Wix.com
Range Info
Club Officers
Territorial Governor
Range Officers Page

The Cowboys is a family oriented organization formed to promote the game of single action shooting and encourage the interaction among members by providing a safe, fun environment, quality leadership, special events and social activities. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on overall fiscal responsibility and the continuation of the quality of life, liberty and freedom.
We shoot the 4th Sunday of the month except for May/Nov/Dec. Check the website for more details. www.thecowboys.org

FLORIDA! The Home of the rootin'est, tootin'est Cowboys you can imagine! Our SASS affiliated club is based in Tallahassee, shootin' the 3rd Saturday of every month and our home range is situated on the south side of Leon County. I will be adding some pitchers to these pages of our cowboy town, Dodge City. It is a sight to see, growing all the time and we welcome all Cowboy Action Shooters; Buckaroos/Buckarettes to El Patron/La Patrona, Tenderfeet and Gunslingers. We all have stories to tell and tricks to share.
So, check us out at the Big Bend Bushwhackers website. Please excuse the slim pickin's on our site as our webmaster recently took out for the Open Range. But, you'll find directions to our home range, registration to our monthly match and a direct contact with yours truly there.

The Fort White Cowboy Cavalry is part of the Fort White Gun Club Inc, in Fort White, Florida. Fort White is 25 miles northwest of Gainesville, Florida on US 27 & Florida State Route 47. Range address is 18808 Highway 47, Fort White Florida. The Cowboy Cavalry is a SASS affiliated Cowboy Action Shooting Group.
Our goal is to promote the sport of Cowboy Action style shooting with safety above all. Next is the “Spirit of the Game” sometimes called “the Cowboy Way” which is good sportsmanship, friendliness & willingness to help your pards. Last, but by no means least is FUN – we want you to have a good time!
Our Cowboy Action Range is for Cowboy Action Events.
Our monthly match is the 2nd Saturday of the month, six stages rain or shine.
Sign up – 8 a.m.
Start time – 9 a.m.
Fee is $10.00 for FWGC Members – $12.00 Non-Members.
Annual Match – “19th Annual Shootout on the Santa Fe” - November 8th & 9th, 2019
Southeastern Territorial Black Powder Championship – “Darkness Falls” – March 12th, 2020
International Black Powder Championship – “A Dark Day On The Santa Fe” – March 13th-14th, 2020

The Red Hills Rangers is a cowboy action shooting club formed in 2016. Cowboy action shooting is a timed 4-gun sport involving firearms in use in the 1800’s Old West, specifically two single action revolvers, a lever (or pump) action rifle, and a shotgun, typically a double barrel SxS or Winchester ’97 pump. Only lead bullets and shot are allowed. Velocities are restricted in order to minimize splatter. Targets are mostly steel plate, in sizes and set at distances designed to promote action. Shooters use a registered alias and dress in period costumes or outfits drawn from B Western films and television shows. For more information on Cowboy Action Shooting, visit the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) website: www.sassnet.com. All matches are governed by safety and related rules promulgated nationally by SASS. The Red Hills Rangers are graciously sponsored by Talon Range, a facility dedicated to numerous shooting disciplines and, in particular, to the creation of a first-class Cowboy Action Shooting venue. Matches are held monthly and an 8-stage annual match is held each year. The building of cowboy stage fronts is funded through donations of money, materials and labor and through sponsorship's, with the objective of enhancing the Old West experience for shooters. Few who try Cowboy Action Shooting ever turn back. It is instantly addictive—and as most will tell you: you come for the shooting and stay for the friendships. Grab yer’ guns, pard. If yo’re new to CAS, come out anyway and we’ll see if we can’t get you some guns to use a time or two.

SASS Cowboy Action Shooting Club. Monthly match every 3rd Saturday of the month. Start time is 9am with six stages. Gun club members cost is $10 and non-members is $20. First time shooters shoot free. Also free if you just want to watch. Be fore-warned you might end up on the line trying you hand with a six-shooter, rifle or shotgun or all three.
New Shooters always welcome!!! If you are new to the area, just visiting, and/or new to Cowboy Action Shooting do come on down as we will make you welcome and help you get started in a great sport. Bring family and friends as this is a sport spectators can enjoy (bring a chair). Eye and ear protection required but can be purchased a minimum cost at the range. Found out how fun bang and clang can be!!
Information can be found on https://www.eustisgunclub.org/index.html regarding the locaiton and other options available at our home range which is the Eustis Gun Club.
For more information contact the Match Director Smart Asterisk
Email: SmartAsterisk@Outlook.com
Use the menu above to borwse page.

Hernando County Regulators home range is the Hernando Sportsman's Club. The sportsman's club is located within the Chassahowitzka Wildlife Management Area. The address is 16121 Commercial Way ( US-19) Brooksville,Florida. The club phone number is 352-597-9931. The entrance is located on the westside of the intersection of Commercial Way and Thrasher Ave. Range is about a mile from entrance. Our matches are held on the first Sunday of the Month. Sign up starts at 8:00 with shooting starting at 9:00. We set up in three bays and shoot two different scenarios each for a total of six stages. Ammo required for match is usually 60 Rifle, 60 Pistol, and 24 Shotgun. Match fees are $10 for members and $15 for non members. Food and refreshments are available at the club house.

Range Address Gun Craft 2403 21st Ave SE, Ruskin, FL 33570 (813) 645-3828 Directions Take I-75 to Exit# 240B, Ruskin/Sun City. Go West on Rt. 674 to 24th Street S.E. Go South on 24th. Pass by Weather Bureau (radar dome), then over I-75. Just past 21st Ave. turn left into Gun Craft Lot. Drive through gate to range.

Welcome to the Single Action Shooting Society Page, home of the Weewahootee Vigilance Committee. Cowboy Action Shooting is one of the fastest growing shooting sports in the nation. Using guns from the 1800’s along with costumes and an alias, you get to play your favorite Western character while shooting a fast and fun competition. Using scenarios from Western and Florida History as well as favorite Western Movies and TV Shows, we shoot at steel targets and knockdowns. Visitors are always welcome so come out and watch....you may just get hooked. WHEN ARE REGULAR MATCHES HELD? WVC Matches are held every 2nd Saturday of the Month Cowboy Clinic is held every Tuesday starting at 9 AM WHAT ARE THE MATCH FEES? CFRPC - Members. Men - $10 Women - $5 Juniors - Free Cowboy Clinic - $1 CFRPC - Non-members Men - $15 Women - $10 Juniors - $5 Cowboy Clinic - $6 HOW LONG DOES THE MATCH USUALLY LAST? Match end time between 1:00 - 2:00 PM. HOW MUCH AMMUNITION DO I NEED? 60 Pistol; 60 Rifle; 20-28 Shotgun

Providing education, Tips and Community for competitors in the Western Shooting Sports. I will be presenting several videos to you from my youtube page about western equipment, firearms, weapons cleaning, firearms history, and reviews of products. Vendors may advertise on this page only if they have spoken with Slick Sixguns Directly prior to posting and have received approval.
Don't Forget to Subscribe to the Slick Sixguns Network Youtube Channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChLw-azUCmqBlmFg2wdR-VA
You can follow me at the following sites:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScottSeverance2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/slick_sixguns/?hl=en
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-severance-412886109/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1896662897069829/
Interested in supporting the production of videos and helping people get involved in the Western Shooting Sports Become a Patron by visiting my Patreon Page at: https://www.patreon.com/slicksixguns
Disclaimer: The use of firearms and certain equipment like powder and other explosive objects can be dangerous and deadly if mishandled always handle them safely and correctly. I do not claim to be an expert on anything I post and any teaching points I have you must verify with the appropriate manuals.
Featured Pages
Cowboy Action Shooting Clubs by State