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This month was less than stellar for the Moog. Madame Moog on the other hand had a great month. Scoring her very first clean match at The Hernando County Regulators monthly and making some of the best runs on stages since she started shooting. Not that Shoulda Dun Gun took it easy on her either, using her little red plate nemisis. Keep it up Madame Moog, I know your fan club will be cheering for ya.
There is something going on with my rifle, I cant seem to get 10 rounds out smoothly. At the ...
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This was a topic that was posted over in our SASS Florida Group on Facebook and my reply was very long so I decided to make a blog out of it.
I am a born and raised Florida native and when I was a kid of about 6 years old my uncle takes me out to a hunting ground. He tells me that he wants to let me shot this big gun called a muzzle loader. He pulls out this monstrosity of a gun that was twice as long as I was. Turns out it was a .58 caliber with something like a 40" barrel.
It’s been a month already! Here we go. First weekend was Hernando County Regulators Shoulda Dun Gun keeps you on your toes with some creative stage writing. I had a decent match for me, Shelleen’s shotgun worked for him on most of the stages. Madame Moog however had a great match with a sad ending. Madame has been chasing that clean match since she started playing this game. She was clean up to the last rifle shot where she had to hit a plate and make i...
March seems so long ago. Madame Moog and I started making the posse pins for the ASN EOT Bounty Hunt. We created the image, engraved the pin and touched them up. Glued the pin to the back then stuck them to the cards. Then made pins for Waddies and Staff. Made the sign and the boxes for the entry forms and shipped it all to SASS.
I want to start by saying thank you. Thank you to everyone that worked so hard to make EOT 2019 a great match and a better time. Deuce Stevens and Lassiter made some challenging stages worthy of a world championship. If you ask Deuce he’ll tell you that he couldn’t have done it with out Cowboy Carty and the army of others that came together to make it happen. Misty Moonshine and the SASS Staff ran a well oiled machine with all the fixins, opening ceremony, dinner and shootout announce...
The Cracker Crew is going to EOT....well at least part of us are. Jeff Shelleen, Moog, Deadly Sharpshooter( Original CC Member) and I will be attending along with Madam Moog and Purdy Sharp. Deadly and Purdy have been making their way out via Steel Horse on the Wagon Trail. The rest of us are riding in on a Steel Horse in the sky. Either way, we're wanted dead or alive (Bon Jovi reference). Amaduelist and his Grandson, Jake on the Take, were kind enough to haul my shooting irons out west for m...
Thursday afternoon Madame Moog and I set out to meet up with the cracker crew and shoot the Georgia State Match. I tell Y’All Eddie and the boys up there sure do put on a great match. If you haven’t been you should put it on your list. Thank you Fast Eddie, Krazy Kajun, Blackhawk Henry and the set up crew for all of your hard work to make this match a success. Also, thank you to all the workin cowboys that picked brass, ran the timer, spotted, set steel or any of the other posse jobs. It really ...
I would like to start out by thanking Cassalong Hopidy, Hollifer A Dollar, Kay Sadeeya and anyone else that helped out. We all have our job on the posse and for the match itself. I am thankful that we can all come together and play this game. So again, thank you to anyone that helped. You made this match successful and fun.
I didn’t make a blog in February, some of the reason is I was sick and the other was I didn’t shoot well enough to comment. This month however was different. Madame Moog and I drove out to The Ides Of March on Friday the 15th to help with anything that we were needed for. I ran some side matches Madame shopped. Dinner that night with cowboy friends was nice as usual.
Saturday morning and it was time to get it done. We loaded up headed out to the range; Shelleen was our posse marshal and ...
This week was a very busy and productive one in regards to CAS.
My girlfriend, Chickie Winsome, has been talking about her interest in shooting CAS. She comes to most of the shoots and has become our un-official photographer and my videographer. We have somewhat half-heartedly been looking for some guns for her to buy. But over the past few weeks she has really been shopping. I showed her a few websites like,, and ye olde faithful (even if i...
This will be the first entry into what I plan on having as a weekly or so blog recapping the weekend shoots. This weekend is as good as any to start because it was the first time I have shot in consecutive days.
I am still new to CAS attending my first match in August of last year. I shot after the OK Corral Outlaws monthly match with the Club President Seth Adams but not during the actual match. The first full shoot I had was in September during the Gold Coast Gunslingers Main Match....
I didn’t get out to the annual match I had planned for January because it rescheduled for the 2nd of February. So, I changed my hotel reservation to the 1st. and planning the road trip for then. That doesn’t mean nothing happened in January, actually, it was a pretty good month for Action Shooting Network (ASN). This month the Single Action Shooting Society plugged ASN on their Facebook and twitter accounts and increased traffic and members of ASN thanks SASS.
Well here we are at the end of another year of shooting. If you are obsessive like me you probably shot somewhere around 50 matches, some good some bad. I shot the Fl state match. I did ok for me. The Georgia state match, dropped a pistol first stage. Ides of March, had a good match and Wyatt still owes me 5 or 6 who’s your daddy’s. Madame Moog and I shot in the New Jersey State match, and let me tell ya it was cold. With the good and the bad I wouldn't’t take any of it back. i got to be with fr...
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What a good match. The Ft White Cowboy Calvary club had their annual match this past weekend and let me tell you that it was a really good match. Rocky Creek Shooter and the crew up there did an outstanding job on the whole shooting match. In my opinion the props killed it. Painted nice and a bunch of’em. I know it takes a whole crew to pull off a match like that, so it’s hats off to everyone that helped. (the name tags, clean match awards and dang it chips were really cool too 😊)
So Fri...
Ok you knew it was coming, this past weekend Madame Moog and I shot in the New Jersey State match. Jesemay Kid, Dancin Angel and the crew up there at The Jackson Hole Gang did a great job with the match. The props were nice and the stages were fast but still made you think. Madame and I thank you guys for your hard work. I’m sure there are about 50 things that need to happen for a big match like that most of us cowboys don’t even think of. Hats off guys and gals!
We popped up like toas...
What a weekend, this past weekend was the Lake County Pistoleros monthly match. I stopped to pick up my shooting buddy Shelleen and the guard at the gate didn’t even ask me any questions. He just opened the gate. After 3 years it’s about time they know me. 6:30 am we’re rolling for Eustis fl. It was hot already and super steamy, that didn’t stop us. The drive went by pretty quick and before we knew it we were on the range and signed in. We said the pledge and made the announcements and we were o...
Another month of shooting and I’m back to blog. With my match The Antelope Junction Rangers cancelling in august gave me a chance to get out and shoot at another club on that weekend. So, I packed up my toys and drove up to FT. White Florida to shoot with the Ft. White Cowboy Calvary. I like that range and wish I could shoot there more often, with most of the stages shaded and fans make beating the Florida heat a little easier. I shot ok for me finishing in the top 10 at least. I don’t know abou...
Ok, this week was Lake County Pistoleros, Shelleen had to ride solo as Madame Moog joined me for the ride and shoot this weekend. We talked about what she wants to do with the landscaping and how I need to knock the weeds down out back. I gotta say Shelleen and i talk about more fun stuff. She hasn’t been shooting all that much since she hurt her shoulder but felt good enough to get it done Saturday. She shot well 2 misses for the whole match and the best time she has placed since she started ...
This past weekend I shot with the Weewahootee Vigilance Committee if you want to call it shooting. I picked up Shelleen and we started west on I4. The sun was coming up and very little traffic made me think “what a nice way to spend a Saturday”. We talked about what happened on WestWorld and there were a few “wait, what's” from me as Shelleen was breaking it down for me. I guess I’ll need to watch the last EP again. Got our grub and pulled on to the range.
Set up our carts, said our good...
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Nothing really.......Grip, Stance, Sight Alignment, Sight Picture, Trigger Control are all componenets of shooting accurate.....and shooting fast. For me shooting Fast is doing all the same things a bullseye shooter would do but condensing down the amount of time they do it in and accepting less than perfect results.
Lot's of folks will tell you to shoot fast and the accuracy will catch up.....I'll will tell you to learn to shoot accurately first. Learn what you need to "see" and "feel" to be...
Well here is how Georgia State went for The Moog. I picked up Shelleen on Wednesday afternoon and we headed north. It rained for most of the drive bet we made it with time to spare. Thursday morning, we went to the range and Shelleen shot the side and practice matches while I worked from the club house. Damn, work is a 4-letter word.
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We started driving Thursday morning for the Florida State CAS Championship. Was a perfect day for a drive too. We hit I-10 and I thought we were almost there… nope another 100 miles to go. we did make it there though and driving on to the range I gotta say was very nice. To see the CAS props and then the shooters, it don’t really matter where you go to shoot it always kinda feels like home. We signed in got our pack from even more familiar faces.
Thanks to Cas, Holler, Shamrock Sadie and the ...
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The Ides of March came and went this year and as always it was a great match. A good combination of people and location will do that. I would like to give a job and I do mean JOB well done to Arcadia Outlaw, Greta D, Brucester Diamond and Wildcard Willow. The set up crew deserves recognition as well, unfortunately I don’t know everyone that helped set up, but I really do appreciate the hard work. Without you we probably would not be playing this game. 10 stages of targets, tables, props, canopie...
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This past weekend was my first match as match director for the Antelope Junction Rangers. I got to the range started laying out carpets and getting ready to go as people started showing up. Made the sign up sheet added the shooters to the electronics and started the match.
There is defiantly more work than loading up your stuff and heading to the range to shoot. I have some plans for AJR, I’m going to make some props like, fences, hitchin posts, cactuses and cow boy cut outs. If you have any...
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I haven’t blogged in a while, been busy with the holidays, shooting and a couple trips thrown in there. I thought about it this morning and thought I’d catch up. I will be the new match director for the Antelope Junction Rangers starting January 2018. Horace E Rider has been a great MD and has always had a passion for CAS and his club. I hope I can take over and do half as good.
I purchased a laser engraver and made some clean match badges for some of the clubs I shoot at. I claimed one for s...
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Madame Moog and I made through IRMA with no major damage. The cleanup was faster than getting power back on though. The storm cancelled the AJR match and The Lake County Pistoleros match as well as people were still recovering. I had booked a trip to Pennsylvania to shoot with my dad at his local match but the first flight was canceled. We cleaned up and Madame Moog rebooked my flight so I did get to shoot last weekend. The Titusville PA Sportsman Club has challenging match once a month. The tar...
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The day started out normal, picked up Shelleen and headed out to the Wewahootee Vigilance Committee’s monthly match. It was guess what, HOT, again, in Florida who would have thought it. Overcast for the first 4 stages and sun shining for the last 2. If you don’t know, there is nothing like leaving your long guns on the loading table in the Florida sun before you shoot the stage. Your guns get a little toasty. At least it didn’t rain on us.
The match started out normal, however it ended a litt...
This past Sunday I shot with the Roughshod Raiders in Gainesville Florida. And it was as one of the starting lines was “Hot and Sticky”. It rained about 90% of the way to the range then stopped long enough for us to get in 6 stages and then it started again. It’s a bit of a drive for me but riding with my shooting buddy Shelleen made the trip go by faster, we talk about what we have been doing for practice, who John Snow is and stuff like that.
We got to the range and set up our carts did our...
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This past weekend I shot at the Lake County Pistoleros monthly match. After 4 weeks of no shooting the rust had built up a little. It was warm when we started and got hotter from there. But at least this range is shaded. The stages were well written and fun to shoot. Some of the starting line made the Posse Marshall blush ad we all got a laugh out of that.
My first stage i think i was ready for it, 21 seconds. I had a couple 20 second stages, still trying to shoot sub 20 second stage and it f...
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It sure has been a while since i blogged here. But moving forward on the site and app has sparked today's blog. Some of you may know that I attended EOT for the first time. Those that don't know End Of Trail is the Cowboy Action Shooting World Championship. Held this past June in Edgewood New Mexico. A couple firsts here I guess, first trip to NM too. Let me tell ya, we had fun. People had me worried about a few things like the altitude, seeing I'm a sea level person and the heat. Neither real...
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I shot this past weekend at The Lake County Pistoleros, what a good match. The range is nice and shaded in the summer to try to beat the heat but it was still hot. I shot ok for me stages hovering around 22 or 23 seconds and 3 misses for the entire day, even though I think I had 3 on 1 stage but spotters only called 2. Sometimes it works out that way. a good bit of the shooters on my posse were shooting raw times of like 14 to 16 seconds, that made me feel a little slow. But, I played my game an...
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Sunday started out nice and cool and warmed up by the time the lead started flying at the Doddle Hill Regulators monthly match. Everything started off well even though I had 1 miss on the first 2 stages I was playing the game I showed up to play. I have been trying to get faster by thinking about and cleaning up my transitions and running the guns a little harder. That was working, I had 22 and 24 seconds with 1 on each. I was really happy with the 24 second stage because that stage I also misse...
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